NICA graduate to perform in ‘The Han Show’ Wuhan
Congratulations to 2013 NICA graduate Tamika Ball. Tamika will be joining the Franco Dragone Entertainment Group in collaboration with Wanda Arts and Entertainment Co. Ltd under a three year contract in their performance of The Han Show in Wuhan China. The performance, based on the essence of Han culture, opens in December and features an impressive mix of dance, acrobatics and stuntwork. The show features a cast of 95 artists, of which Tamika is the only Australian.
Tamika Ball grew up on a dairy farm in South Gippsland, Victoria. From the age of 6 she began training as a dancer and at 14 developed a passion for musical theatre and singing. After completing Year 12 Tamika decided to turn her training towards acrobatics and was accepted into NICA in 2010. Throughout her time at NICA Tamika specialised in Adagio and Acrobalance and was trained by Jing Jing Xue.
01 Aug 2014