From gymnastics to circus arts: Discover your next big adventure at NICA

From gymnastics to circus arts: Discover your next big adventure at NICA

Have you recently retired from gymnastics and are wondering, "What sport to do after gymnastics?" 

Are you yearning for a new challenge that lets you continue training while exploring fresh, exciting horizons? Look no further—circus arts at the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) is your perfect next step. 


Unlock New Study Options 

After the disciplined world of gymnastics, finding study options that match your passion and skill set can be challenging. But circus arts open an entirely new door, offering you the chance to up-skill in a thrilling, creative environment. At NICA, you can dive into a vibrant world where your gymnastics background is not just relevant—it’s a golden ticket to success. 

Transfer Your Skills Seamlessly 

The skills you’ve honed in gymnastics are incredibly transferable to circus arts. Your strength, flexibility, and coordination will give you a head start in mastering aerial silks, trapeze, hand balancing, and other circus disciplines. Imagine taking the power of your floor routines and translating them into breathtaking aerial performances or transforming your balance beam prowess into awe-inspiring acrobatic feats. You’re more than prepared to ace this new artform. 

Embrace a New Adventure 

Circus arts offer a colourful and engaging pathway for gymnasts looking to continue their training. At NICA, you won’t just learn new skills; you’ll enter a world of endless creativity and self-expression. Picture yourself performing high above the ground, creating stories with your movements, and captivating audiences with your unique blend of gymnastics and circus arts. 


Stand Out and Shine 

By transitioning from gymnastics to circus arts, you’ll stand out in both fields. Circus arts require the discipline and precision you already possess, combined with an artistic flair that will set you apart. This unique combination makes you a versatile performer, enhancing your employability and opening doors to exciting career opportunities in the performing arts. 


Join a Thriving Community 

At NICA, you’ll become part of a dynamic, supportive community of artists. Connect with fellow gymnasts-turned-circus-performers, share experiences, and collaborate on innovative projects. The friendships and professional connections you make here will be invaluable as you embark on your new adventure. 


Transitioning from gymnastics to circus arts at NICA is not just about continuing your training; it's about embracing a new, exhilarating chapter in your athletic journey. The study options available in circus arts provide a perfect match for your skills, allowing you to seamlessly transfer your gymnastics abilities and excel in a vibrant, creative field. So, what sport to do after gymnastics? The answer is clear: dive into the extraordinary world of circus arts at NICA and discover the endless possibilities that await you. 

Ready to explore this exciting new path? Visit NICA Ed and start your journey today! 

Photography by Daniel Rabin

Published 29 May 2024
