NICA hosts ARTS8 community of practise
Over the weekend of 15 – 17 June NICA had the privilege of hosting the annual Arts8 conference. Each year one of the eight elite performing arts training organisations draws together students, educators and the schools’ directors to undertake strategic planning, pedagogical exchange and creative collaborations.
Arts8 are funded by the Department of Communications and the Arts, and the event was attended by Ministry staff along with local politicians and councillors.
This year, four of our NICA students workshopped and presented a stunning performance devised around the idea of ‘flight’ with students from The Flying Fruit Fly Circus, The Australian Ballet School, the National Institute of Dramatic Art, the Australian Film, Television and Radio School, the Australian Youth Orchestra, the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM), and the NAISDA Dance College (National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association).
Students and staff had the opportunity to attend performances at NICA and ANAM which stimulated great discussions and inspired the next generation of emerging Australian artists.
We look forward to future collaborations with our sister schools in years to come.
Photography by Jessie Byrne
21 Jun 2018