2011 Graduation ceremony
NICA congratulates special award winners! NICA wishes to extend congratulations to a number of students who received special awards at NICA’s graduation ceremony.
The NICA Achievement award goes to second year student Simon Reynolds.
The May Wirth award goes to first year student Kate Nelson.
The Con Colleano award goes to first year student Daniel O’Brien.
The Absolute Physiotherapy Award for Excellence in Anatomy and Physiology goes to second year student Laura Kmetko.
The Sir Rupert Hamer Award goes to first year student Yonnas Grebremedhin.
The inaugural Circus Oz Award goes to third year students Chris Carlos, Sam Aldham, and Takayuki Seki in recognition of their spirit of collaboration in creating an innovative circus work.
NICA wishes these students all the best in their future careers in the circus industry.
05 Dec 2011