Artist Bio

Like her hair, Emily Loe is one bouncy, shiny character, full of twists, turns and gradients of VIBRANT colorful energy. This multi-disciplinary circus artist is bursting with a wonderfully infectious joyful persona, bringing with her a dynamite combination of elite technical gymnastic and acrobatic skill with an explosive performance talent – electrifying stages the world over. 

Before migrating from Sydney to Melbourne to pursue acrobatics professionally, Emily has also had a successful career as a competitive gymnast since the age of seven, having competed and won titles nationally and internationally, including representing Australia at the Mia International World Cup in Portugal.

This mixture of pure talent, technical ability, drive, ambition, and the personality to back it all up sets her head and shoulders (literally) above the rest. Her passion for combining gravity defying movement and with performance has given her a professional and artistic home in the circus industry, where she continues to light up every production, cast and stage brave enough to take on her high energy!


Specialty Skills:

Other Skills:
Hand to Hand
Bounce Juggling