Artist Bio

Leo is a leading Australian cirque talent fuelled by the burning fire to do one thing – to test the unexplored possibilities of circus and dance to take the industry and the artform itself into new and unchartered territory. 

From the age of five years old, Leo’s ambitions as a circus performer, director and creator have not wavered. Training diligently and faithfully from a young age at the National Institute of Circus Arts, he chose to focus on the highly demanding disciplines of Aerial Straps Slackwire, Ensemble Acrobatics, Doubles Trapeze and Russian Bar. 

With a particular gift for bringing a contemporary, avant-garde intelligence to a traditional industry, Leo continues to search for new ideas, to things differently, and ultimately to continue to push what is possible when an onstage ensemble meets the technologies and capabilities of modern-day theatre.

Off stage, the integration of cutting-edge production design with the captivating risk inherent in acrobatic performing is what excites him most about working in the diverse arts industry. One of the most daring and exciting cirque talents putting the Australian industry on the map.


Specialty Skills:
Chinese Straps
Slack Wire

Other Skills:
Doubles Trapeze
Russian Bar