Artist Bio

Emily is a rarefied and electrifying young talent whose name is synonymous with world-class skill. In possession of a unique style marked by its flow, intricacies, innovations and power, Emily has already secured a reputation as a highly regarded cirque artist, specialising in both solo and ensemble aerial, acrobatics and vaudeville sideshow. 

A north-west Aussie girl, she spent her childhood defying gravity, climbing the rocky hills around her tiny town, before moving to the “big smoke” as a teenage where she swapped climbing hills for climbing skyscrapers. Having stumbled across circus by chance as a young adult, Emily made the move down to Melbourne to pursue a career in circus and train at the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA). Graduating in 2018 with a focus on Aerial Rope, Hand Balancing, and Ensemble Acrobatics, today Emily is a full-time industry professional. Despite only being in the early stages of her promising career, she has worked on internationally elite productions including Fibonacci by 7fingers, various productions with Circus Oz, performed in Quebec with Mats et Cordages, featured on the stages of the Berlin Circus Festival, and worked as an ongoing cast member for multiple seasons in Australia with Phat Cab Club.


Specialty Skills:
Rope (aerial Rope)

Other Skills:
Chinese Straps
Whip Cracking